We value the environment

A key aspect of developing the Åland maritime spatial plan was to consider various environmental values when determining the different usage areas. Environmental analysis continues to be an important part of the wind power planning process.

Environmental assessments will be conducted as part of the planning process. These assessments will become central components for the projects that aim to construct offshore wind farms.

The main purpose of the environmental assessment in the planning process is to investigate the environmental impact the actions within the plan will have on the area. The plan's provisions set the framework for how the environment should be considered in the establishment of a wind farm. The environmental assessment in the local master plan aims to assess the cumulative effect of a fully developed wind farm according to the plan's parameters.

Developers who are awarded utilization rights of the maritime areas through the auction, will need to conduct more detailed environmental impact assessments that cover specific areas including the technical alternatives they intend to use. Through this process, potential risks will be identified, and the environmental impact will be minimized.

The developers' projects undergo environmental permitting review by the Åland Environmental and Health Protection Authority (ÅMHM). The environmental permit is required to ensure that the operations comply with environmental regulations in Åland's legislation.

Read more about the law on environmental impact assessments and environmental assessments on the government's website (In Swedish)

Read more about the law on environmental protection on the government's website (In Swedish)