The Mission
The mission of the Sunnanvind project is to enable the establishment of offshore wind power in the northern maritime areas, maximizing the benefits for Åland.

The different phases in the establishment of an offshore wind farm.
The establishment of an offshore wind farm occurs in different phases. As part of the Sunnanvind project, the preparatory phase involves developing concepts and processes for the competitive tendering of the rights to utilize the maritime areas for energy production. Sunnanvind's primary focus is to produce documentation that safeguards the interests of Åland in the agreements governing the establishment, operation, and decommissioning of the offshore wind farm.
The Sunnanvind project is primarily funded through the European Union's Recovery and Resilience Facility, with a budget of 1.7 million euros. The project's final report is expected to be submitted to the European Commission by June 30, 2026.